This workbook was made to help you get your ideas on paper!
what you need: a pen, a brain, and a notebook
With your parent's permission, you can view the workbook right here and follow along in your notebook! You can also print this workbook out and fill it in yourself; your local library should have a printer you can use (click the button below to access a pdf for download, or right click the images to save them). 
*having trouble printing? scroll to the end this page for help 
You can purchase a copy of this workbook on Amazon. If you (like me) don't want to support a mega corporation like Amazon, contact me about purchasing a copy directly!
Having trouble printing? Here are some things that may help:
- ask a librarian for help
- right click the images to download them for printing
- screenshot the images for printing
- email the author for a printable file using the contact form
Always let your parents know when you are using the internet, going to the library, or emailing someone new!
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